Beyond Its Function — [İşlevinin Ötesinde]
Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design
with Pelin Günay, 2017 — 2019
Photographs: Burak Taşdizen
with Pelin Günay, 2017 — 2019
Beyond its Function is a workshop series that explores the material affordances of objects with non-designer high-schoolers, participants who have an interest in but are not (yet) trained in design. The workshop aims to challenge and dissolve the prevalent notion of ‘function’ in design discourse, and challenges participants to think beyond conventional, designed functions towards engaged, materially unbounded interactions.
Beyond its Function started in 2017 by the research assistants Burak Taşdizen and Pelin Günay at Özyeğin University as part of Özyeğin University Summer School for Highschool Students Architecture and Design Module. The workshop continued in 2019.

Photographs: Burak Taşdizen