Colonizing Men’s Bodies: Natureculture Metaphors Around Hair Transplantation
The Re-invention of Traditions in the Middle East
with Melike Şahinol︎︎︎
Utilizing a critical posthumanist1 and anti-colonial lens on the metaphors of naturecultures2 of medical professionals around hair transplantation, we aim to disclose the medico-colonial, technological imaginations3 around the contested bios that is hair. Previous studies on hair and masculinities have shown that men’s bodies are socio-technically constructed,4 culturally loaded and politically contested.5 However, bodies are relational becomings6 at the border of which hair is to be found.7 Favoring “cartography rather than classification”8 we scrutinize how medical jurisdiction is intertwined with a colonizing discourse, and how these metaphors reveal the medical urge to tame the hair and categorize men’s bodies through hair transplantation in this particular technoculture. Based on semi-structured interviews with medical professionals and participant observations in a hair transplant clinic in Turkey, we utilize the cartography approach in a double sense; firstly, as purpose-oriented communication tools and dispositifes9 in understanding the Körpereigensinn(self-will of the body),10 and secondly, as embedded in "material power formations".11 The medical jurisdiction not only diagnoses and intervenes into the bodies of balding men, but also stereotypes them through its classifications, i.e., curly hair as peculiar to black bodies. Although these metaphors facilitate an alternative communication throughout the entire procedure for medical professionals, such essentialist approach, through erasing individual differences, they help to define the re-constructed masculinity as re-naturalized bodies and not as what it is: socio-bio-technically constructed.

A drawing of a participant explaining hair transplantation process. Image taken from
- Braidotti, Rosi. 2016. "The critical posthumanities; or, is medianatures to naturecultures as Zoe is to bios?" Cultural Politics 12 (3):380-390; Braidotti, Rosi. 2019. "A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities." Theory, Culture & Society 36 (6):31-61.
(Haraway 2003a)
Balsamo, Anne. 2011. Designing Culture: The Technological
Imagination at Work: Duke University Press.
Immergut, Matthew.
2010. "The Tangle of Nature, Culture, and Male Body Hair." The
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- Alimen, Nazlı. 2017. "The Fashions and Politics of Facial Hair in Turkey: The Case of Islamic Men." In The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling, 116-124. Routledge; Aykut, Susan. 2000. Hairy Politics: Hair Rituals in Ottoman and Turkish Society: Charles Strong Memorial Trust; Herrick, Rebekah, Jeanette Morehouse Mendez, and Ben Pryor. 2015. "Razor's Edge: The Politics of Facial Hair." Social Science Quarterly 96 (5):1301-1313.
- Tolia‐Kelly, Divya P. 2006. "Affect–an ethnocentric encounter? Exploring the ‘universalist’ imperative of emotional/affectual geographies." Area38 (2):213-217.
- Holton, Mark. 2020. "On the geographies of hair: Exploring the entangled margins of the bordered body." Progress in Human Geography 44 (3):555-571. doi: 10.1177/0309132519838055.
- Tuin, Iris van der, and Rick Dolphijn. 2012. New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies: Open Humanities Press, 111.
- Foucault, Michel. 1977. "The Confession of the Flesh." In Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Writings, 1972-1977, edited by Colin Gordon, 194-228. New York: Pantheon Books.
- Gugutzer, Robert. 2015. Soziologie des Körpers. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Braidotti, Rosi. 2019.
"A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities." Theory,
Culture & Society 36 (6):31-61, 52.
This presentation was made as a part of Hair:y_less Masculinities. A Cartography, a subproject within IRSSC. IRSSC was led by Orient-Institut Istanbul within the scope of Max Weber Foundation’s international research project Knowledge Unbound (Wissen Entgrenzen), which was funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).