Garp Sessions: Documentation and Commissioned Works 2019-2022 / Garp Sessions: Belgeleme ve Yeni Üretim 2019-2022
ISBN: 978-3-00-076019-8
Edited by / Editörler: Garp Sessions (Ayşe İdil İdil & Deniz Kırkalı)︎︎︎︎︎︎
Introduction to the Book by Garp Sessions
Garp Sessions is a summer programme that was started in 2019 by Ayşe İdil İdil and Deniz Kırkalı. Taking place yearly in Babakale, a fishing town in Turkey, it brings participants together around different themes every iteration. Garp Sessions: Documentation and New Commissions 2019-2022 brings together texts and visual material from past participants Ada Özsar, Ali Yalgın, Amelie Wedel, Aslı Özdoyuran, Ayşe Draz, Burak Taşdizen, Cem Örgen, David Horvitz, Ekin Can Göksoy, Ezgi Tok, Ezgi Hamzaçebi & Lara Ögel, Gizem Karakaş, Larissa Araz, Maryam al Khasawneh and Ulufer Çelik, neither absent nor present participant Ayşe Köklü, as part of nocturne platform Gerko Egert, and a conversation between Garp Sessions and Fisun Yalçınkaya. It also features interviews with Cooking Sections, Knifemaker Doğan Tosun, and Babakale Beautification, Culture, and Solidarity Association. The book aims to create further opportunities for dialogue between past participants from different years as well as members of our extended Garp Sessions community. It documents and reflects on the sessions in Babakale, produces new works in response to these encounters, and includes voices from the village. In that sense, it is a documentation as well as it is a commissioning platform.

Notes On A Table / Masaya Dair Notlar
In the article, I question my own ethnographic authority as a writer who produced a text on Babakale in 2020-2021, after coming to the realization that I was and still am a tourist. Instead of seeing this situation as an impasse in terms of thinking, writing and producing about the village, I use it to underline the situated, embodied and partial nature of our knowledge production processes. I end the text with a hypothetical scenario in which I move the Garp Sessions table to the village square in order to expand the knowers and a set of “Questions to think with” I pose for thinking together.
Notes On A Table. Garp Sessions: Documentation and Commissioned Works 2019-2022, eds. Ayşe İdil İdil and Deniz Kırkalı (pp. 63-69). Berlin and Siegen, Germany: Nocturne - Platform für experimentelle Wissensproduktion e.V.
Yazıda Babakale’yi kısa süreliğine ziyaret eden bir turist olduğum gerçeğiyle yüzleşip 2020-2021’de Babakale üzerine metin üretmiş bir yazar olarak kendi etnografik otoritemi sorguluyorum. Bu durumu köy üzerine düşünmek, yazmak ve üretmek açısından bir açmaz olarak görmeyip bilakis bunu bilgi üretim süreçlerimizin konumlu, bedenli ve kısmi oluşlarının altını çizmek için kullanıyorum. Yazıyı Garp Sessions masasını bilenleri çoğaltmak adına köy meydanına taşıdığım varsayımsal bir senaryo ve birlikte düşünmeye dair ortaya attığım “Eşlikçi Sorular”la bitiriyorum.
Masaya Dair Notlar. Garp Sessions: Belgeleme ve Yeni Üretim 2019-2022 içinde, haz. Ayşe İdil İdil ve Deniz Kırkalı (ss. 55-63). Berlin ve Siegen, Almanya: Nocturne - Platform für experimentelle Wissensproduktion e.V.